"JAFSA : Japan Network for International Education" is a non-profit organization.
Our members consist of universities, educational organizations, and corporations in Japan.
JAFSA promotes and enhances excellence in international education in Japan
and provides for a connection to the global community.
JAFSA is an association comprised of universities, individuals, and other entities including private firms as supporting members interested in facilitating the internationalization of education in Japan and around the world.
JAFSA serves its members by providing the support and advocacy necessary for its members, and other similar
public and private institutions in Japan, and by making efforts to attain JAFSA’s mission of enhancing
excellence in international education in Japan.
JAFSA also organizes fora for discussion of contemporary international education exchange issues; to provide
training sessions and professional development opportunities; to provide models for best practices and
services; to provide networking opportunities; to provide opportunities for collecting and disseminating
timely international education exchange information; to initiate surveys and research activities; and to
represent the views of its members in support of the internationalization of education in Japan and around the
JAFSA believes that enhancing excellence in international education will advance the development of individuals who will be more understanding of the differences of peoples and societies in the world, and in turn will foster peace, security and the well-being of the global community.
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- Japan Network for International Education -